If you're new to this project, just keep reading from here. If you are a part of this project, please see below:
How should I put up a diary?
I have a diary up but I have questions?
If you are planning to or wish to live blog results on election night, feel free to volunteer for this project. If you know anyone who might be interested in this project, feel free to refer them. This is how the plan will work:
Volunteers pick a minimum of 3 races and preferably around 5 or 6 (exceptions are states with fewer than 3 races or the big senate races) that you want to live blog on election night. Please try to keep races together geographically (races in the same state, or the same geographical area).
When you select races to live blog, if your email isn't in your profile, please either email it to me at fleetadmiralj (at) gmail (dot) com or post it as a comment. Also, please make sure that the races you choose haven't already been selected (already selected races are crossed out in the diary) and please either email me or post a comment in the diary.
These live blogging diaries will be linked from a central "home" diary which we will advertise to get recommend so it will go on the rec list. This will give those looking for results to specific races the ability to quickly and easily get the latest results for those races here on daily kos.
That's it. The only obligation for those doing diaries is that they are available on election night to post results as well as to keep results reasonably updated.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.
Ok, onto the list. Since there are now only a few races left, I think it will be easier to just list what races remain to be taken than list all of them and striking out those races which have been taken. To see a full list of races, see the Election Day Live Blogging Online Spreadsheet.
Suggested diaries:
1: AK-Gov, HI-02, ID-01, ID-Gov
2: GA-08, GA-12, LA-02, NC-05, NC-13
3: IA-01, IA-02, IA-03, IA-Gov
4: NV-02, NV-03, NV-Gov, NV-Sen
5: MI-07, MI-08, MI-09, MI-11
Of course, there are clearly other ways to combine some of these races.
Now on to the races list (only 34 31 29! 21! to go):
Alaska (1:00 am)
Tony Knowles (D) vs. Sarah Palin (R) [AK-Gov]
Georgia (7:00 pm)
Jim Marshall (D) vs. Mac Collins (R) [GA-8]
John Barrow (D) vs. Max Burns (R) [GA-12]
Hawaii (11:00 pm)
Mazie Hirono (D) vs. Bob Hogue (R) [HI-2]
Iowa (10:00 pm)
Bruce Braley (D) vs. Mike Whalen (R) [IA-1]
Dave Loebsack (D) vs. Jim Leach (R) [IA-2]
Leonard Boswell (D) vs. Jeffrey Lamberti (R) [IA-3]
Chet Culver (D) vs. Jim Nussle (R) [IA-Gov]
Idaho (10:00 pm)
Larry Grant (D) vs. Bill Sali (R) [ID-1]
Jerry Brady (D) vs. Butch Otter (R) [ID-Gov]
Louisiana (9:00 pm)
9 Democrats (D) vs. Joe Lavigne (R) [LA-2] (open primary)
Michigan (8:00 pm)
Sharon Renier (D) vs. Tim Walberg (R) [MI-7]
Jim Marcinkowski (D) vs. Mike Rogers (R) [MI-8]
Nancy Skinner (D) vs. Joe Knollenberg (R) [MI-9]
Tony Trupiano (D) vs. Thaddeus McCotter (R) [MI-11]
North Carolina (7:30 pm)
Roger Sharpe (D) vs. Virginia Foxx (R) [NC-5]
Brad Miller (D) vs. Vernon Robinson, III (R) [NC-13]
Nevada (10:00 pm)
Jill Derby (D) vs. Dean Heller (R) [NV-2]
Tessa Hafen (D) vs. Jon Porter, Sr. (R) [NV-3]
Dina Titus (D) vs. Jim Gibbons (R) [NV-Gov]
Jack Carter (D) vs. John Ensign (R) [NV-Sen]
Important Secretary of State Races (CO, IA, OH, MI, MN, NM, NV)
Election Irregularity Reporting Diaries (can have multiple people volunteer for this
How should I put up a diary?
We have a couple of diaries that you can base you can base your diary off of.
The official test template diary is here: http://www.dailykos.com/...
However, there are also numerous other diaries that people have posted that you can reference to under the Election Day Live Blogging tag.
First, put up a diary with the dummy test saying this is part of the Election Day Live Blogging project. Do not put the table code into the diary on the initial submit. There is a problem with the parser that ends up putting in a lot of white space.
Submit the diary, go into edit mode and turn comments off. To do this, there is a drop down menu right above the "title" text box. Select to turn off comments and update the diary.
Now, go back into edit mode and copy and alter the table code found here: http://www.dailykos.com/...
(I'd link to the code that tinfoilhat is using, but I actually can't find it lol.)
That should get your diary up in pretty good shape.
I have a diary up but I have questions?
If you have a diary up but want input on it, please put those questions either in this diary or the official template test that I have linked too above. I'm trying to minimize the number of comments that are posted to the diaries before election day, so lets try to keep the discussion about the diaries off the diaries themselves if possible.
As has been brough up in other diaries, posting diaries early gives flexibility for adding new diaries if the old ones become overfilled with comments. First, diaries are restricted to one in a calendar day. Thus, each diaries (if they save their diary on electon day) can post a new diary before midnight on election day and essentially copy the content from the old diary to the new one if the first diary is getting filled with comments. Also, diarists can post a new diary after midnight as well for the same reasons. This gives the possibility of the same diarist posting 3 diaries to keep up with comments, if necessary.