Yesterday we announced the launch of our new web site, the official opening of registration and the kickoff of our fundraising drive with a diary. If you didn't have a chance to check that diary out yesterday there you go.
Our Fundraising Drive
Over the next two weeks we would like to raise $15,000 to support the costs of putting on the 2007 convention. Everyone pays a registration fee, but the costs per person exceed that fee and we make that up with fundraising, sponsorships and exhibitors. Please consider making a donation to support YearlyKos Convention 2007! You can get started by following this link: Donations are made to, a 501(c)4 organization, and are therefore not tax-deductible.
Registration is open!
Registration for YKC 07 is officially open! Please stop on by and get your registration taken care of early because we expect YKC 07 to be an even bigger hit this year. Last year we had approximately 1000 people show up, this year we're shooting for closer to 1500.
Prices will go up goes on with the first raise happening on January 31st, so lock in the reduced rate now.
Holiday Gift Ideas
If you happen to be scared about the prospect of braving the malls in the last minute holiday rush then look no further than the YearlyKos Convention website. Buying a registration for the progressive in your life would make an excellent gift. Last year we had Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Barbara Boxer, Governor Mark Warner, General Wesley Clark, Ambassador Joe Wilson, Markos and many others. Once we start announcing the line up for YKC 07 you won't want to be left out and neither will your friends!
Looking for something else? Look no further than the YearlyKos Convention Store. You'll be able to outfit yourself with cool YKC gear and pick up books by progressive authors that were a part of our convention last year. If you make the purchase from Powell's by using the referral link on our site YKC will get credit for it.
One of the new additions to the store is The Official Bush Countdown Calendar by the folks at Blue Funk Productions. Make sure you mention YearlyKos Convention when you are checking out so we get credit.
And last but certainly not least, you'll certainly want a copy of unConventional, the official and comprehensive photodocumentary of YearlyKos Convention 2006! We are currently accepting pre-orders and will be releasing the book soon, hopefully just in time for Christmas. If you'd like a little teaser of the book check this link out.
We're looking for a few good Sponsors, Exhibitors and Volunteers!
There are lots of can't miss opportunities to get involved that you won't want to miss.
If you've got a business and want to reach an influential progressive audience, there really is no better way to do that than becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor for YearlyKos Convention 2007. Use our contact form to get in touch with someone to learn more about what we have to offer. Please make sure to select either the "Sponsorship" or "Exhibitor" category to make sure you message gets routed appropriately.
If you just want to be part of the movement, then we'd love to have you as a volunteer! Use our contact form to get in touch with our volunteer coordinator and get plugged in to the excitement.