With the mainstream media in a virtual tailspin. I, for many reasons, have turned to Rolling Stone Magazine for Political coverage that even CNN couldn't pull off. After all, CNN with the hires of Bill Bennett and Glenn Beck can now establish itself as the kinder, gentler version of Fox News. But, I digress.
The 2008 Presidential Election is 3 years away, and I might get hammered for saying this, but after the pathetic performance by the Democrats during the Confirmation hearings of Judge Samuel Alito. I will concede that the Democrats will not win the White House in 2008. They still reek of apathy and are drunk on Republican idealism. And, how can I forget, Democrats still have no balls.
But, the biggest fear I have in 2008, is the possibility that another religious fanatic will be elected to the highest office in the land.
In the February 9th issue of Rolling Stone magazine an article about Kansas Senator Sam Brownback stirred the many fears I have about this nation. The Possibility that we could be the West's version of Saudi Arabia. A nation run by a theocracy.
Sam Brownback, is the new darling of the Christian Right. A political stooge for a group of folks who are hellbent on rolling back America to a time where women stood in the home, blacks were sitting in the back of the bus, and gays were shoved into the dregs of the earth.
Senator Brownback, a man of extreme faith has gone through religions like Oprah going through diets. When he ran for the House he was a Methodist. When he ran for the Senate he was an Evangelical and now he is a Roman Catholic. Senator Brownback wants to be the next Jesse Helms. A man who operated as a one-man demolition unit against those who didn't have God in their lives.
Senator Brownback, who serves on the Judiciary Committee uses his position to rant about anything that seems to destroy faith, such as, Gay Marriage.
But what was most startling is Brownback's Chairmanship of the Values Action Team. A who's who of Christian Right fascists ranging from James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Beverly LaHaye and Rod Parsley. This group meets every Tuesday to discuss what needs to be done in order to turn the United States of America into a Theocratic regime.
Now, when I see a photo of Senator Brownback I say "hey, he can't seem harmless." After all he's a simple looking man with skin like leather and a handsome family to boot. But, the intentions by him and the secret society that is the Values Action Team are clear. America in their eyes has to be not under the flag, but under a cross.
So, you ask, where does the 2008 Presidential Election fit in all this? You see, Senator Brownback has Presidential ambitions. You see, he's gonna run for President because murder is always on his mind: The abortion of what he considers "fetal citizens." Now, any rational human being can conclude that a fetus isn't a citizen. It's not even considered living. But, don't tell that to Sam Brownback. He equates freeing the fetuses with John Brown, the abolitionist who massacred five pro-slavery settlers in order to free the slaves.
The Christian Right holds so much stroke in the Political landscape that it just makes me sick. First we elect and re-elect a born-again Christian and now the possiblity looms that another Religious freak with his posse of Bible-carrying sycophants will occupy the White House. Sen McCain is, in my opinion the front-runner for the GOP nomination in 2008 and could win the White House. But, we all thought that in 2000 and look what happened. Bible-Carrying George Bush unleashed his man-servant Karl Rove and as they say, the rest is history.
The Christian Right has done its job so far. After all it was them that led the charge in forcing NBC to pull the plug on the TV show, "The Book of Daniel." A program that showed a Priest popping pills and Jesus being hip as hip can be.
There is no doubt in my mind, that the Christian Right's power in America will hold weight in 2008. They will mulitiple in extreme forms to make sure that their man, Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas will occupy the White House.
And where will that lead us? In absolute hell. Folks like Sam Brownback and every Religious Right-Winger don't give a damn about America or where this country might lead to. They only want to use America as a pet project for their empire. 3 years isn't a long time. 3 years can go by like that. So, I would suggest in order for the Democrats to avoid someone like Sam Brownback to occupy the White House, they need to find a set of balls and not be afraid of their grass roots hertiage.
Because in all likely hood, in 2008, we might be looking at the United States as one nation under the Christian flag.