World Net Daily, yeah, I know, reports yet another mother of all terra attacks. Al-Queada warns you all.
OK, fine. Several things do scare me in this. With Bush so desperate would he actually nuke his own people?
I for one am done with bullshit.
Allow me to ramble incoherently a bit and I will try to explain.
I am an expatriot. Once removed from your won country you begin to get a new perspective on life in general. A look at how other people do things and for good or bad you end up with a new ruler to gauge society by.
My largest mistake was returning home. Some people wish for the lottery, I want a time machine. I want to go back in time and go for the dual citizenship.
What is the big fascination with this war on terra crap.
Maybe it has something to do with these guys.
My second mistake in life was completing a BS in business administration. I looked up an old professor. Even he says the US as a nation is over. He taught me well I guess.
Internet research was a large part of getting timely information for business projects. Shortly after I became a MIHOP, even though at the time that term was not in existance.
Recently I completed the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares and Loose Change. Most of the world has seen The Power of Nightmares long ago so why not here in the US.
Absolute lunacy. I wouldn't dare take an expat assignment now, way to embarrased.
In light of these films the war on terra, Al-Queada,Osama are just fabrications. No more of this will I accept and anybody who subscribes to it is simply a moron.
Explains the ports deal does it not?
Sell them to the terrorists..public outcry...then guess who gets them?