Believe it or not, Social Security Reform's corpse was nearly risen from the grave yesterday. Senator Jim DeMint, a longtime pro-privatization guerilla, offered a
budget amendment that would have devoted surplus funds from Social Security taxes to private accounts. A while back, DeMint had tried to sell it with some snake oil about
"stopping the raid" on Social Security.
The Stop the Raid on Social Security Act would change this practice by directing money from the surplus to fund newly created PRAs. People under the age of 55 will have PRAs, or can choose to opt out. The accounts will initially be invested in marketable Treasury bonds. This allows a safe and prudent transition period for the development of personal accounts to protect the Social Security surplus.
Blah blah. So,
every single Democrat voted against this. (Something to chew on for the "all the Democrats are worthless except for Feingold" crowd.) Here are the Republicans who voted "nay."
Conrad Burns
Lincoln Chafee
Pete Domenici
Dick Lugar
Gordon Smith
Olympia Snowe
Jim Talent
Notice anything? Yep, three of them (Burns-Chafee-Talent) are in do-or-die re-election races. The other four are either not running this year or safe from challenge.
Here are some of the Republicans for voted for privatization that are on the ballot in 2006.
George Allen
Mike DeWine
John Ensign
Orrin Hatch
Kay Bailey Hutchison
John Kyl
Trent Lott
Rick Santorum
Hand it to Rick Santorum - he's really not toning down his wingnuttery to save his job from Bob Casey.
Here's a link to the Amendment's language.