I'm hosting a candidate's forum for our three Democratic Gubernatorial candidates in Washington state. The tentative date is march 21, from 7pm to 9pm. I've got one candidate confirmed, one looks likely, and one will have to be convinced (but with the other two on board, I've got leverage).
This was originally just for Dean supporters - folks need something to do to feel needed and still useful. We also need to let the party know we're a cohesive, important consituency in our own right. I have decided to invite all Democrats, because it needs to be clear that Deaniacs aren't hostile to the party.
We'll be moving from this forum to local races, Congressional races (Alben for the 8th!) and Dean supporters running for office.
There also may be a special guest - I'll keep you kossacks informed.
Now's the big ask, though...I need contributions to pay for the room. I need to come up with $1500 by the 3rd of March to guarantee the room. Can the Kos community help me out at all? Even a little bit would be welcome - this could be a friggin' fiasco if we can't confirm the room, since I've told everyone in the free world it's going to happen and there are a ton of Washington state Dean supporters ready to attend.
I'm taking paypal contributions at www.wa4dean.com. Unfortunately, I don't have another way to accept contributions yet, and I'm horribly unsavvy with the web. Any suggestions for improvements to the site or contribution methods would be MOST welcome.
Thanks, folks - I know this community is tapped for a lot of different causes, and I'm just one guy, but your help would be incredibly appreciated by me and anyone in Washington who wants a Democratic majority in government.
I will post this again tomorrow when there's more traffic to the site, and I seriously appreciate any advice, suggestions, or contributions! Please e-mail me with any advice. Thanks, everyone!