My friend Soonergrunt is deploying today. You can read his latest diary
here. Read all his
earlier ones too if you have time. He's a proud professional soldier who is dedicated to his country and his men. That comes through in every word of every diary he shares with us.
Today I learned my friend is named Michael.
He had put it up on Kos some time ago, but I missed it. As he said then,
You may, if you wish, refer to me as Michael. It's the most common name for boys in the US, and has been so, off and on, for about forty years now. I could get into a lot of trouble for some of the things I've said on Kos, but Michael, which is my real name, is sufficiently anonymous to protect me, and still permit first name communication.
We are only Kossacks in this Kommunity, but we are friends who trust and respect one another. Today Michael asked me a favour.
For those who don't know Soonergrunt, my favourite Soonergrunt diaries include:
What The Marine Did
Pilgrim's Progress, or Why a Soldier DOESN'T Support the War in Iraq
I fuck with the freepers
Why Do Repubs Hate Veterans?
The Army IG Investigation into Abu Ghraib
For Myriad, About the US Military
Heard at the Armory Today
My Response to Armando
US General in Iraq: `Growing Disconnect' with Washington
A Progressive Soldier's Perspective
Until this morning I'd only ever communicated with Soonergrunt here on DailyKos in the threads, but he's my friend all the same. He's made a huge contribution to our community through his commitment and credibility. This was from Darksyde's Join Me In Welcoming New Members diary last year:
Great diary. I'd recommend twice if I could (4.00 / 34)
I've been here since about four months prior to the last general election, roughly.
I've learned a few things that I want to share. Take them for what they're worth, which ain't a whole hell of a lot.
1. DK will make you a better writer. The feedback you will get here will hone your writing style, and you'll quickly learn how to write for yourself (which is the best reason) but to make it readable by an audience.
2. Even like-minded people will disagree vehemently over seemingly trivial things, but everybody gets to voice their views here. Even the trolls. This isn't like freeperland where one can be banned for one post.
3. Unique perspectives are valued here, especially if they really help to inform the debate. I've learned more about public policy in every day application in a year on Kos than I learned in three and a half years of Political Science classes at college.
4. This is just the beginning. DKos is only the place to help you focus activism. It's not the end of it. Use DKos to help you get going and to fine-tune your work, but at the end of the day, you still have to get out of your chair and put all the great stuff you see here to work in the real world.
5. Your local perspective is highly valued here. Tell us what is going on down on Main street, what it means locally, and how people here can help. It's a hell of a lot more valuable than some beltway consultant trying to tell people what sells in Peoria.
I could go on and on, but it's Dark Syde's diary. Welcome all, and I look forward to seeing you on the rec-list.
"I've come to chew bubblegum and kick ass...And I'm all out of bubblegum." --Nada
by soonergrunt on Sat Sep 10, 2005 at 06:06:14 AM PDT
We used to disagree a bit as I am less gung-ho pro-military.
But somewhere along the way we started supporting one another.
Then we began finding ourselves on the same team.
Even defending one another.
Sometimes, when times were bleak, we've been a source of strength to one another in our anger and our pain.
I am so angry anymore.
Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld told us we would be met by Iraqis throwing flowers, and we were met by Iraqis throwing grenades.
They said we'd be out of Iraq in two years. We have 142,000 troops still there.
Four of my friends are dead. Two by hostile fire, two by their own hands after returning.
It is a nightmare from which I cannot wake.
I spend my days going through the motions, doing just enough at school to get by. I am primarily focused on the next drill, because we only have 15 drills and one AT before our next mission. Thats about 60 days until we are federalized for training to deploy. With deployment training, we have an aggregate of 120 days before we go to Afghanistan for a year. It's barely enough time.
My comment:
Wishing you well (4.00 / 13)
Our God and soldier we alike adore
At the brink of danger - not before;
After deliverance, both alike requited.
Our God's forgotten, and our soldiers slighted.
- Francis Quarles (English poet), 1632
Soonergrunt, I have thought about you, wondering how you are doing as you don't post so much these days. I wish these were easier times for you and all our soldiers and that you were safe home again.
People have always called on God and called on soldiers when there's a battle to be fought, and forgotten both when the battle is past.
By contributing to this community and keeping us aware of the real sacrifices you and your men face daily, you help us keep a focus on the human cost of Bush's wars. I hope we in some small measure are a comfort to you with our struggles to encourage broader understanding in the American polity and our concern and support for you personally.
When the wars are over and the soldiers come home, we will face a sterner test. It appears that soldiers returning from these wars are more scarred in many ways than earlier veterans. We must ensure that Bushco does not succeed in diminishing the support they are entitled to receive, cutting medical benefits and reducing their opportunities.
Keep in touch. God bless.
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing - after they have exhausted all other possibilities." Winston Churchill
by LondonYank on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 08:50:10 AM PDT
Today I learned my friend Soonergrunt's name is Michael.
Soonergrunt won't be in Vegas. Michael won't be enjoying the change of seasons from spring to summer and summer to autumn and autumn to winter in Oklahoma. Soonergrunt/Michael will be on the ground in Afghanistan hoping to hell he and his men don't end up someplace much worse.
I sent him an e-mail on Friday to let him know that I am not the bloke who he has taken me for over the past couple years. He replied back with a request that I help him stay in touch with you all as he expects to be limited in communicating soon.
I hope to do him justice. I've ignored Afghanistan for much of the past five years because Iraq and Iran interested me more. That all changed today when my friend asked me to do him a favour.