(AP) HARRISBURG Joe Hoeffel dropped out of the race for lieutenant governor on Wednesday, one day after filing his nominating petition to run in the Democratic primary.
The former congressman from suburban Philadelphia confirmed his decision at a Harrisburg coffee shop. He said he would explain his reasons shortly at a news conference with Governor Ed Rendell, who is backing Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll.
I have had blody well enough of party leaders who think they have a right to interfere with the primary process! The whole reason primaries were created was to eliminate the smoke-filled rooms and put power back in the hands of the people instead of the political machines. It was not meant to produce this crap. More on the flip:
Knoll and three other Democrats also filed the necessary signatures to make it onto the primary ballot. Others on the unofficial list of candidates published by the Pennsylvania Department of State: William Hall the third, Valerie McDonald Roberts and Gene Stilp. One Republican also is running, Montgomery County Commissioner Jim Matthews.
Hoeffel ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, but lost to incumbent Republican Arlen Specter.
That is an absolute outrage. The guy announces and then ONE DAY LATER is forced out!?!? In the immortal words of one Howard Dean:
We need to demand our party leaders pass a rule forbidding elected and party officials from interfering in primaries in any way, including endorsements, back-room pressure, etc. The primaries are for the PEOPLE to decide, not a bunch of party hacks.