Just got a email alert from the ACLU of PA. The PA House State Government Committee is voting next Wednesday (the 15th) on HB 2381, which would add an amendment to the state constitution saying marriage is only between one man and one woman, yadda yadda yadda.
It would be wonderful if we could kill the bill in committee.
The ACLU of PA has all manner of helpful information here.
From the ACLU of PA website:
House Bill 2381 is a proposed amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution. It would add this language to the Pennsylvania Constitution:
Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this Commonwealth, and neither the Commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall create or recognize a legal status identical or substantially equivalent to that of marriage for unmarried individuals.
The ACLU of Pennsylvania is working with the Value All Families Coalition to defeat HB 2381. We think this is an unnecessary and divisive amendment that would hurt all kinds of families in Pennsylvania. See the other side of this flier for our arguments as to why we oppose this amendment.
On Wednesday, March 15, 2006, the House State Government Committee is scheduled to vote on this bill. We are mobilizing thousands of concerned Pennsylvanians and asking them to contact members of the House State Government Committee to let those members know how they feel about the proposed constitutional amendment. We particularly are asking people who are represented by any of these legislators (or people who know any of these legislators) to call legislator's Harrisburg offices by the end of business on Tuesday, March 14, 2006.
The members of the House State Government Committee:
(HB 2381 sponsor/co-sponsors are indicated) I think I got them all properly, a full list of them is here
- The Honorable Louise Williams Bishop (D-Philadelphia) 717-783-2192
- The Honorable Thomas L. Blackwell (D-Philadelphia) 717-783-1491
- The Honorable Scott Boyd (R-Lancaster County) 717-783-6422 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Paul Clymer (R-Bucks County) 717-783-3154 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Mark Cohen (D-Philadelphia) 717-787-4117
- The Honorable Lawrence H. Curry (D-Montgomery County) 717-783-1079
- The Honorable Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks County) 717-783-7319
- The Honorable Florindo Fabrizio (D-Erie County) 717-787-4358
- The Honorable Robert L. Freeman (D-Northampton County) 717-783-3815
- The Honorable Will Gabig (R-Cumberland County) 717-772-2280 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Mauree A. Gingrich (R-Lebanon County) 717-783-1815 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Glen R. Grell (R-Cumberland County) 717-783-2063
- The Honorable David Hickernell (R-Dauphin, Lancaster Counties) 717-783-2076 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Scott Hutchison (R-Butler, Venango Counties) 717-783-8188 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Babette Josephs (D-Philadelphia) 717-787-8529
- The Honorable Tom Killion (R-Delaware County) 717-772-0855
- The Honorable Daryl D. Metclafe (R-Butler County) 717-783-1707 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable David R. Millard (R-Columbia County) 717-783-1102 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Sean M. Ramaley (D-Allegheny, Beaver Counties) 717-787-4444
- The Honorable Kathy L. Rapp (R-Warren County) 717-787-1367 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Dave Reed (R-Indiana County) 717-705-7173 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Larry O. Sather (R-Huntingdon County) 717-787-3335 sponsor/co-sponsor
- The Honorable Joshua D. Shapiro (D-Montgomery County) 717-783-7619
- The Honorable David J. Steil (R-Bucks County) 717-772-5396
- The Honorable W. Curtis Thomas (D-Philadelphia) 717-787-9471
- The Honorable Gregory Vitali (D-Delaware County) 717-787-7647
- The Honorable Katharine M. Watson (R-Bucks County) 717-787-5452
- The Honorable Rosita C. Youngblood (D-Philadelphia County) 717-787-7727