One of the largest, most thorough resources of information about 9/11, the Iraq War and Katrina isn't a government-owned facility, nor a blogger's website, nor a corporate-owned media outlet.
It's open source. It's about you and your need for transparency, and it's by you and others who make donations, both in the form of information and operating cash.
It's, run by the Center for Cooperative Research -- and they desperately need your help.
From the front page at
Cooperative Research is out of money and CANNOT continue without your support! We must raise $43,700 over the next 21 days to cover the 4-month period from April to July. It is absolutely necessary that we raise this amount. Please make a tax-deductible donation today.
That's right, donations are tax deductible! Did you get burned this year, not make enough donations? Here's a chance to fix next year's tax return, by making a donation now.
As of Day 14 out of a 21-day fundraiser, CCR has only raised a little over $5000 dollars of the targeted $43,700. Please do what you can to help; let's not lose this valuable resource.
I can't think of a resources with more information about key events and issues than Don't believe me? Go check for yourself -- and then make a donation.
Thanks so much! And don't forget, if you have something to contribute to the body of knowledge at, be sure to add it to a timeline. You never know whether that one little bit might be enough to crack a story or a case wide open!