Serioiusly, Republicans would literally have to eat babies on the steps of the Capitol for a campaign strategy like that to work. Or at least become Communists. Failing that, the Democrats need a compelling message, to get out not just the base and the center, but the people who don't normally vote.
So this Saturday, canvassers will be putting this message on the doorknobs of their neighbors' houses:
1. Honest Leadership & Open Government
We will end the Republican culture of corruption and resotre a government as good as the people it serves.
2. Real Security
We Will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies.
3. Energy Independence
We will create a cleaner and stonger America by reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
4. Economic Prosperity & Educational Excellence
We wiill create jobs that will stay in America by restoring opportunitiy and driving innovation.
5. A Healthcare System that Works for Everyone
We will join 36 other industrialized nations by making sure everyone has access to affordable health care.
6. Retirement Security
We will ensure that a retirement with dignity is the right and expectation of every single American.
Pretty comprehensive. Now, close your eyes and recite all that back to me. How many did you remember? 1? 2? Certainly no more than 3, right? That's because 3 is the magic number, whether it's comedy, architecture, or the number of trailers you can stand to sit through at the cinema.
The huge door hangers that contain this message are not immune to the direct mail rule, being that you have about 30 seconds of a person's attention on his way to the trash can. This overreaching vision is part of the reason that Democratic control of Congress come November is not a forgone conclusion by now.
In other words, the Democrats are in desperate need of streamlining their message. They need a list of 3 concepts, not 6, that pound home a single idea.
For example:
The magic word is: Security.
The magic slogan is: Security, not fear.
Why do people vote Republican? Because they fear terrorism, gays, change.
Why will they vote Democratic instead? No, not because Democrats are the only other alternative, and not because everyone has "had enough." That's just not good enough. The public will chose to stay home rather than simply vote for the other white meat.
No, they will vote Democratic because Democrats offer Security, not fear. What do I mean by that, you ask? Well grasshopper, I respond with my list of 3 concepts:
1. Democratic Security - From election fraud, corruption and abuse of power. We champion campaign finance reform, respecting civil liberties and open government.
2. National Security - through responsible foreign policy, energy independence, and dealing with the environment.
3. Social Security - for the social programs that serve people of all ages, in securing the right to education, universal healthcare and retirement.
In closing, KISS.