I'm a working fool and besides we are limited to one diary a day so this one has a Bonus. Besides, they are not entirely unrelated.
According to news sources, it is possible and even likely the now famous generals who are critical of Rumsfeld, war planning (or lack thereof)and the Adminy will be testifying Sooner rather than later before the Senate. It's possible that none other than that icon Sen. John Warner will assent to Sen. Clinton's request for a hearing. That's just a mind blowing combo but has a good source...
AND, Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films who have brought us several good films on Wal-Mart, the War, Congress, etc are working on a new film but need help to complete the project...follow along
From their email: "IRAQ FOR SALE: The War Profiteers will hold these corporations accountable for crimes against humanity. Watch the teaser trailer and a message from Robert here:
To start shooting, we need money. Overall, the film will cost about $750,000. We can expect about $450,000 of it to be offset by DVD sales, selling foreign rights, and an advance from our retail store distributor, but we still need $300,000.
A generous donor just stepped up and will contribute $100,000 if we can match it with $200,000 from someone else.
That someone else is you! 4000 people giving $50 each. We'll put everyone's name in the credits. You can give these donations as gifts in someone's name or in memory of a loved one if you'd like.
Imagine that. 4000 names scrolling by at the end of the film. Almost as many people as in the Lord of the Rings credits!"
Now back to the generals and then back to work for me....
Rummy and Congress:
ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will be on Capitol Hill today (uh, make that yesterday) for a private breakfast with Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee. The breakfast will be hosted by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) in Russell 188. The chairman of the committee, John Warner, will [pointedly] not be there. (A few high profile Republicans who are not on the committee, including Sen. Frist and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), stopped by).
This comes as Sen. Clinton has asked Chairman Warner to hold a hearing with the six generals that have called for Rumsfeld's resignation. On Monday, Warner said he would hold a committee vote on whether to have such a hearing. All 11 Democrats on the committee can be expected to vote yes; which means it will only take two stray Republicans to make it happen.
Sen. Collins was asked on Tuesday whether she would support such a hearing and avoided directly answering the question, wanting to defer to Chairman Warner. But given that Sen. Warner plans to call for a vote, a source on the committee says Sen. Collins is expected to support such a hearing based on her long-standing and outspoken criticism of Rumsfeld.
All eyes would then be on Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Will Sen. McCain, who has said Rumsfeld is "failing the troops," support such a hearing? The bottom line: a Senate hearing featuring six generals who want Rumsfeld's head now seems to be a distinct possibility.
Now, I am certainly no fan of Maine's twin senator but if she says OK, and Warner says OK..think about it. Generals on TV..Generals on TV...and Dems get to ask Questions... Doesn't matter if it's about Rummyfield..it's about the whole cabal. Let's you spin that one Tony Snowejob.. just try, it will only get tougher.