Raw Story is carrying a report that a Houston Hospital is about to remove a conscious 54 year old woman from life support against her will and that of her family because a doctor has determined that continued treatment is futile. This being done based on law signed by Bush while Governor.
So where are the right wing Schaivo militia now? This woman is conscious and wants to live, wants continued treatment - they just don't want to spend the money. This should be all over the media it exposes the complete hypocrisy of the Schaivo affair.
more below.
The hospital's ethics committee has apparently decided they don't want Andrea Clark to receive care anymore, saying it's futile, and has recommended that she be removed from life support despite her family's wishes. If her family can't find another hospital to transfer her to by Sunday, April 30, she will be removed from her respirator and dialysis and die.
Andrea Clark, 54, has been a heart patient at the hospital since November. In January, she underwent open heart surgery and in February, she developed bleeding on the brain.
What's even more significant in the Clark case is that the Texas bill that allows health care providers to end a human life despite the wishes of the patient and the patient's family was signed into law in 1999 by President George W. Bush as Texas Governor. However, in 2005, he rushed back to the White House from Easter vacation to sign a bill rushed through Congress which was designed to save the life of Terri Schiavo because of his "presumption in favor of life".
The rest is here
UPDATED this a link to large diary/discussion about this yesterday.
For some reason that headline didn't grab me and I never read it. That HMO's would do that didn't surprise me - what surprises me (shouldn't) is the hypocrisy of Bush first signing a law that makes it possible and then making a national spectacle of the Schaivo case.