I'm sure you've all heard that former US senator from Alaska
Mike Gravel has decided to run for president in 2008. So far in reading about his life and career I think he could be a decent candidate. He has a certain badass factor to him ala Brian Schweitzer (hell, his last name is Gravel for christsakes) but with a lot more Washington experience. He has lefty and at times wacky politics, but they tend to be populist. For instance he supports the idea of having ballot initiatives (which I consider to be the unholy curse of the west) on the national level and dissolving the electoral college (which I agree with). He's a national transit advocate too which I enjoy. Anyway, he seems to be the type of candidate that could get elceted on his gravitas despite his politics. What do you all think? I doubt he will even be a serious consideration in the primary, but do you think he could be a dark horse?