YearlyKos has a new registration system! And to celebrate/encourage you to be one of the first to test it, we are extending the early registration discount period!
Our old registration system was...ummm...less than wonderful. So we're not only celebrating, we're giving folks who may have been discouraged by the old system a chance to register at the reduced rate.
The old system was the best that no money could buy. We are, after all, a young startup volunteer organization completely funded through donations, so "free" was our best option. But luckily a community hero came along and gave us a better option. You know him as sterno. Sterno often plays devil's advocate in the comments. But he also plays an important role in our all volunteer project. Sterno created Regomatic and then donated the use of it and his server space to the YearlyKos Project. Thanks Sterno! You saw that we had a need, and instead of whining you stepped up and solved the problem!
YearlyKos "hearts" Sterno and

REGISTER NOW and help us test our new Regomatic system and receive the discount rate.
Volunteer Opportunities
Being a part of this first ever YearlyKos Convention is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You will gain skills, network with influential progressives, and help plan an unforgettable event. Working with YearlyKos is a great way to make your mark on the community, establish incredible contacts, and further your own career. This type of convention has never been attempted before on this scale and other organizations are sure to follow our lead.
Bloggers as Media
We are all media. Anyone can open up their laptop and blog YearlyKos. But we will have some star level dignitaries at YearlyKos and their time will be limited. For some guests, there are also security concerns. We will have to work with their security details, capitol police, secret service, etc. which means we will need a credentialing process for bloggers who wish to act as reporters in the more traditional sense. How will we do that? We are working on those processes now, writing the book that others are sure to use after us. If you have media experience YearlyKos needs you to volunteer to help us develop these standard setting procedures regarding blogger credentialing. The ideal volunteer will be an enthusiastic advocate for bloggers, organized and creative. The Bloggers as Media Coordinator will be responsible for both helping to develop the credentialing process, and scheduling interviews and blogger press conferences as part of pioneering new methods for blogosphere/traditional media interactions.
YearlyKos will give ordinary people the type of access to politicians and leaders that has typically only belonged to the wealthy and well connected. We heard you a year ago when you asked us to keep attendance fees affordable for the average person. But that comes at a cost. We have to fundraise to make up the difference, and also to pay for the kinds of things that will make convention events accessible to our online participants. We need to pay for servers to handle the traffic, the software and hardware to make interaction possible, and a tech crew at the ready for trouble shooting at the convention. And none of this is free. We need fundraisers who can work with a team to both recruit donors and make individual and corporate asks. The internet is a tool that allows progressives to grow their activist base. Investing in YearlyKos is investing in that tool through a meat-space gathering to make the internets a more effective tool. YearlyKos is not merely an event, YearlyKos is one of the first big tests of our online activism potential. The ideal volunteer will believe in YearlyKos as agent for changing how leaders approach problem solving in our country by bringing together 20th century political tricks of the trade with 21st century technology.
Marketing, Public Relations, Ad Designing and Writing
YearlyKos will signal a netroots stepping out of the internet and onto the streets of America. YearlyKos will network the famous with the not-so-famous, the curmudgeons with the optimists, the people who live and breathe politics, and those who merely dip their toes in to help out in small ways. YearlyKos will gather the most dedicated Internet political activists from around the country, looking for ideas they can get behind. By making a good impression with participants at YearlyKos, organizations, businesses and causes will have them, their friends, their families, anyone who reads their stuff, and anyone they meet. How do we reach this large, motivated and passionate audience so that they make YearlyKos their own, and then how do we network them with the people, organizations, and causes who will build coalitions out of these relationships? YearlyKos not only needs to be sold to attendees, but also to the politicians, media, and others who are interested in our success. A good marketing campaign will take a team of volunteers with the various skill sets to make it happen. Ideal volunteers will be enthusiastic, able to detail plans and follow through, and be available to take advantage of timing as PR opportunities arise between now and June.
Web Design
We have a beautiful new logo...on top of the ugliest website ever. Just look at it. All that wasted space...ACK! We need a web designer familiar with Drupal/CS to make our site worthy of the great things that will happen at YearlyKos. The ideal volunteer will be able to work with our server admin and other techies while respecting their security issues. If you have the needed skills, are creative, and love the color orange, please step up and volunteer.
Graphic Design/Layout
YearlyKos is building an amazing convention agenda! We need to put it in program form. We also need to thank our sponsors with ad space. The ideal volunteer will be experienced in design/layout, appreciate the importance of deadlines, and be a good writer.
In addition to our agenda, the YearlyKos Convention will be alive with other activities. We will have vendors selling their wares, organizations recruiting for their message, and publishers conducting book signings. A lot has already been worked out, but we still need someone to be the point person between us, the convention space management, and the vendors. The ideal volunteer will be organized, detail oriented, comfortable with change, and a good negotiator.
note: to become a sponsor/exhibitor, click here
YearlyKos is an all volunteer organization built and staffed by the Daily Kos community. We are determined not only to create a fun event that will recharge our enthusiasm, but also to set up connections, between anyone and everyone, so that we can act more like an online machine, and less like a cardboard box full of random springs and cogs. If we really want to change the direction of our country, then we are going to have to be the ones to change it. YearlyKos will result in long-term connections to like-minded souls who can help each other. We need you to do what you can to be a part of building this paradigm changing organization and event. Whether you volunteer, attend, or donate, we need you to be a part.
YearlyKos will show that "people like you and me" have a place in a larger movement, and are not simply blowing into the wind. YearlyKos will prove to the American people that we are strong enough to lead, and strong enough to build our own organizational models. YearlyKos will show that we can change the world, we can take over the freaking place and toss out the jerks who have made our lives miserable. And most importantly, well, it's been a tough few years...YearlyKos will help us locate our hope.
It's going to be amazing. Be there!