Ah, so now the truth comes out about some of you who post here on Daily Kos. You're liberal when it's politically correct, but your closet racism comes flaming to the forefront, just like John Aravosis on Americablog.
Yes, not only am I talking about Cynthia McKinney and the recent incident with the Capitol Hill police. Has any of you considered that there's a recorded history of McKinney's being harassed by them after twelve years on the Hill?
Just like she's been called crazy on everything from 9/11 to Hurricane Katrina, when the truth comes out, and her stances are verified that she was right, you all drink your glasses of shut the hell up very quickly. No apologies, either.
Some of you see through the conundrum here and call what's happening here bullshit. But, I'm noticing many of you are jumping on the beat up Cynthia McKinney bandwagon, while excusing wimpy Democrats like Mel Watt, Harold Ford, Steny Hoyer and others; yet you lament day after day about how you wish the Democrats would grow a spine and fight back.
When McKinney fights back, you call her loony and a ghetto slut, as well as "an embarassment".
I know Kos' place is where all political points of view are welcomed, but I have to call out on the hypocracy of beating up on Cynthia McKinney. When your civil liberties are eviscerated, you're going to appreciate her being "crazy" enough to fight for you.
When your civil rights are blown to hell, you will appreciate her being "loony" enough to call George Bush and the Bush Administration on their shit, unless you like living under a near dictatorship for the last six years.
Some of you didn't have Sen. Russ Feingold's back, either, regarding his call for censuring GeeDubya. You whined that he should have consulted with Harry Reid, first.
The call for action requires taking bold, brave action, and when you want to take a person to task for having the courage to take action, this is how you thank him/her.
By calling them an embarassment.
If you have never been detained by police because of your race, you don't know how Cynthia McKinney feels. Or anyone else, Black, Brown and other.
If you have never been called a "Nigger" before (and I have), you don't think about progress. All you can think about is someone demeaned you for something over which you have no control.
If you have never been rejected for a job that you qualified for, because "your type wouldn't be a good fit" which is code word for "We don't want niggers working here", get off your high horse about how African-Americans need to quit playing the race card and get over it.
You try being enslaved for 400 years, and then continue to try and live the best way you can, knowing each and everytime that the playing field is not level, and has never been level.
And quit throwing the likes of Harold Ford and Cory Booker as the new Black Leaders. The minute you catch any one of them with a dead hooker, live boy or anything in between, you will tear them a new one faster than you can say Stepin Fetchit.
You can't know how she feels, and therefore, until you do, why do you want to call her an "embarassment". Do any of you know that this woman receives death threats on a daily basis, in her congressional office; at her home? Why aren't the lame ass Capitol Hill police investigating that?
Or the fact that an African-American Capitol Hill police officer was killed in the line of duty, but Tom DeLay, in a lame ass attempt to get the focus off his indictment in a Texas court for crimes far worse than Cynthia's issues, is now trying to file ethics charges against her and the shit he's done should have him in a jail cell.
You won't see Minority Leader Pelosi supporting her, either, despite the fact that the whole GOP and some Democrats all need to come under an ethics investigation. People want to look at this situation from their own points of view, and unless you're a person of ethnicity, you really can't. Yet, that's never stopped you, no matter how unfair or ill-informed you are.
Yeah, Jon Stewart is on this bandwagon. But I can say this; the minute the Anglo-Saxon thinks Stewart is getting out of his place, and stops thinking about him being Jon Stewart, but start thinking of him as "that Jew", watch how fast Comedy Central gets pressured to pass memos to him telling him to "tone it down". And unless he's Bill Maher, and tells them to "F*** you" like he did with Tucker Carlson, and quits, he will do as he's told to keep his show on the air.
We can all be subjected to racism and sexism. Homophobia. Xenophobia. We are all guilty of it at some point or another. But to demonstrate such bias because the Bush Administration (and Clinton's too) decided that bigotry is "fashionable", it should be fashions none of us want to wear. Congress, on both sides, have shown how partisan and racist, and sexist, not to mention homophobic they are. And you waste time on here beating up Cynthia McKinney, when her record shows she has fought for all of those issues; civil rights, civil liberties, a level playing field. Why not remember THAT before you hop on the "Cynthia McKinney is an Embarassment" bandwagon.
That "Embarassment" has been one of few House members willing to call the Bush Administration on their shit. And I'm not in her district, either. But I have gotten to know Cynthia McKinney, and I will fight for her to continue fighting for all of us.
Thank you for your discourse, no need to engage in snark, though I know some of you will, and unlike the President of the United States and Americablog, I will always stand for your right to freely express your opinion, even if I disagree with it.
But please stop being liberal when it's politically correct, and keeping your racist or sexist attitudes in the closet, yet bringing them forth when it looks like it's in fashion.