I just wanted to write a quick post saying I am looking forward to seeing all of you at
Yearly Kos next month. I'm honored you picked Las Vegas to host your first conference. Nevada is a place where your hard work can make a huge difference this year.
There are only six months left until Election Day, and we have some work to do. Jack Carter has become a familiar name in this community, and his daughter Sarah has been giving you regular updates about what's going on in the campaign. I won't repeat what she has already told you. But since many of you are going to be visiting Nevada, it would be great if you could help their campaign by visiting their site.
Jack has spent the week blogging at my site
GiveEmHellHarry.com and I encourage you to go read and comment on his posts.
Jack Carter is an important part of taking back the Senate in 2006. What does taking back the Senate mean?
- It means fully implementing the 9-11 Commission recommendations to protect America
- It means Energy Independence by 2020 so our country is moving forward and not bound to big oil profiteers
- It means a healthcare system that serves all Americans, not just big insurance companies
- And it means ending the Bush Administration's failed policies in Iraq and delivering a smart, tough strategy to help our troops and get out of Iraq.
One more thing, if you haven't registered for YearlyKos, I would make every effort to attend. I looked over the program today and it will be an amazing event.