this Yahoo story about Gore and his 2008 prospects, it quotes a well-known man around these parts.
He says a very interesting, yet still unlikely thing:
"If he's the guy we see today, I think he'd be formidable," said Joe Trippi, a Democratic consultant who helped run
Howard Dean's Internet-fueled presidential campaign in 2004.
"I think the real danger is if he were to run as an independent. If he did that, he would wreak havoc on the race in 2008," Trippi said. "He could say, 'I've been out of the system and we have to do it in a different way. I want to lead the way.'"
I'm not saying it will happen, but it is an intriguing thought.
Still, there is something appealing about this. Gore has incredible experience and in this way, he would be able to avoid a costly primary battle against Hillary.
Not saying it will happen, or even should. But it is an interesting thought.
Given the massive amount of Gore support around these parts, I'd be surprised to see the conflict between voting for Gore or a Democrat. People would obviously see parrallels to 1912 and T.R. jumping in the race, splitting the Republican vote and letting Wilson into the presidency.
But still...what if?