As part of my official duties as Daily Kos archivist (I just made that up), I am duty bound to collect Daily Kos Diary Archetypes.
Today's Archetype Diary, #17, is the diary that predicts the site's demise due to the posting of a previous diary the subsequent diarist considers destructive to the ethos of Daily Kos.
The hallmarks of an Archetype #17 Diary include:
* a refusal to link to the offending diary so as "not to call further attention" to the offending piece;
* a heaping of blame and shame upon the site's "administrators" for not removing the offending diary;
* general comments about troll-rating in the offending diary;
* attacks on a number of posters to the aforementioned offending diary, sometimes called out by name, but usually unidentified and left as a mystery to be solved.
This diary is a close kin of Daily Kos Archetype Diary #11, the "I-was-unfairly-troll-rated-by-someone-I-won't-name" diary.
Below, I provide my own generalized example of a #17...
This place is going to hell. That one diary yesterday was over the top and should have been removed by the administrators. The one where one poster troll-rated others without just cause, and that other poster called me a "shithead." Why do we tolerate that sort of diary here?
I mean, how is a comment like this not troll-rated?
Oh yeah? Well, so's your mother!
I am shocked and saddened to see such a diary on Daily Kos. And to think that we call ourselves a "liberal community." No longer, I guess. I am not going to link to the diary or posts in question because I don't think they deserve any more attention.
Er... Except for the attention I am calling to them by writing a diary calling them out and suggesting that we not pay attention to them any more than we already have, which is far too much to begin with.
So don't go looking for this egregious insult of a diary that is bringing this place down.
What is to become of us? We are doomed. To hell. Forever. Apparently.
Please print and store this Daily Kos Archetype Diary for your reference files.
I will continue to archive these Archetype diaries and highlight them in my own diaries over the coming months.
Please leave your comments and/or requests for other Daily Kos Archetype diaries (i.e. GBCW, DLC sucks, Hillary Clinton -- pro and mostly con, etc.) in the comments section, below.
Thank you for your time and attention to this archiving project.
-- Bob Johnson