No profound thoughts in this diary; no attempts to generate or fashion any,, this diary is about silly-ass revenge - the little things we as citizens of a free republic (old-model U.S.; remember it?) can do to mess with the mofos getting all hot 'n bothered spying on the lot of us. Want to annoy them? Want to be the ringworm in their genitalia? Want to NOT let the shitfucks WIN? Then try incorporating the following into your daily Internet/telephone routine:
1. When sending e-mails, use something like this as a signature:
Hey NSA! Wussup? Hope the donuts are fresh and the coffee's hot! Just letting you know I know you're there...just like the fly in the shitbird's hair!
2. When on the telephone, no matter who you're talking to (mom, dad, whore, friend, enemy, grandma, pimp), always try to work this into the conversation somewhere: "To my homies at the NSA - sorry I didn't say hello! Hope everything's copacetic over there in...well, I guess you're everywhere, so I hope it's all good in the continental neighborhood! And Hawaii and Alaska too, yo! Thanks for listening!"
3. When adding comments to a blog, never, ever, ever hit "submit" before finishing with something like this: Oh, the joy! The simple joy! Of knowing they're listening - God's best girls and boys!
You see what I'm saying, babies! Ain't nothing pisses off bully-fuck spying-through-the-holes-in-urinal-walls courtiers of petty despots more than acknowledging their presence...for...when THAT happens, the wizard's concealing cloak is torn to rags, and the jig is up.
Hey, it ain't much, but it's fun and legal (for now)!