I think Karl Rove has done it again! We were all taking comfort that there weren't any big wedge issues to mobilize the Conservative base, and now Karl has given them one:
AMNESTY. And I think he has done it in a way that gets out the vote for Conservatives in the only institution held in lower regard than the President:
I think that Karl has deliberately had Bush advocating
amnesty. This gives the Conservatives in Congress the chance to come out swinging against something the conservative base and radio talk show entertainers abhor. They can all excoriate Bush and talk about how they don't want anything resembling amnesty. It brings out the base even more than some of their signature issues, because it has a semblance of broader support. I've laid out my immigration position in the Q & A posed to me by the Blog "Capitol Annex", which is posted in the "issues" part of my website. Other than that, I think I will just let the Bush base beat up on each other for a while.
At one event late last month, I was asked if I thought that immigration would be an issue in November. I replied "No", because I thought that the Senate would produce a more reasonable Bill than the House, that there would be a Conference Bill, and that the issue would be gone. I now think that there will not be a Conference Bill, because it does not serve Karl Rove's purposes for there to be one. Yes, it makes Bush "unpopular" with the base. But, it allows the Congressional Republicans to carry the cause for something that the base cares about, and turn out the base. So what if it requires bashing Bush, says Karl; he isn't running again, and if we get a Republican majority back, we'll still be able to advance the agenda. I am the Fighting Dem running in Texas 10, and I'm not getting any help from the DCCC. You may see my website HERE. and contribute HERE.