I don't why this
dimwit bothers me so much but he just does. In his latest
idiocy he now pretends that the Iraq Debacle was the CIA's idea:
Amid all the debate about intelligence, there has been surprisingly little focus on the question the average citizen (and average policymaker, too) would probably have at the top of the list: Will these guys get it wrong again? Will they tell the world that something is a "slam-dunk," only to discover later that it didn't exist?
The issue here is analysis, the least sexy but arguably most important part of the spy world. In trying to fix what was so obviously broken, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte did a smart thing. He went to the agency that came closest to getting it right on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction -- the State Department's tiny Bureau of Intelligence and Research -- and picked its chief, Thomas Fingar, as his deputy for analysis. INR, as it is known, had antagonized many in the Bush administration in 2002 and 2003 by refusing to endorse their case that Iraq was trying to reconstitute its nuclear program -- dismissing the claim about Iraqi uranium purchases from Niger as "highly dubious."
So how can Negroponte and Fingar be sure the analysts are getting it right this time on Iran? How can they remake the analysts' world so that their human judgment is again "the intelligence device supreme," in the words of their patron saint, Sherman Kent, who headed CIA analysis during the Cold War?
Are you really this fucking stupid Ignatius? It was Cheney and his cohorts who forced the CIA to "get it wrong." We've been through this before with your neocon colleague Jim Hoagland you dumb piece of shit.
this from Hoagland in 2002 you shit for brains Ignatius?
Imagine that Saddam Hussein has been offering terrorist training and other lethal support to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda for years. You can't imagine that? Sign up over there. You can be a Middle East analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency. Or at least you could have been until recently. As President Bush's determination to overthrow the Iraqi dictator has become evident to all, a cultural change has come over the world's most expensive intelligence agency: Some analysts out at Langley are now willing to evaluate incriminating evidence against the Iraqis and call it just that.
You want to play Hoagland's 2004 game NOW you moron?
George W. Bush and Tony Blair are momentarily in the clear. But their intelligence services are left stuck in deep doo-doo, as a former CIA chief and ex-president named George H.W. Bush might well put it. Neither outcome is good for the seven Democrats seeking a chance to defeat Bush in November, or for the Tories who hoped finally to break Blair's political mastery on the rocks of an "intelligence hoax" in Iraq. Having to campaign against the ineffectiveness of your nation's spies -- rather than running against your political opponents' vile lies -- is no easy task.
What a schmuck. Most of the DC pundits are morons. But Ignatius is truly the dumbest motherfucker in Washington. For crissakes, Hoagland already tried to pull this shit in 2004. You are already two years too late.
What a loser.