Those are not my words, they are from a shocked-and-awed Peter King (R-NY):
Courtesy of the Washington Post:
That view was echoed by New York officials. "It's absolutely indefensible, it's disgraceful. As far as I'm concerned the Department of Homeland Security and the administration have declared war on New York," Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee told the Associated Press. "It's a knife in the back to New York and I'm going to do everything I can to make them very sorry they made this decision."
The upshot of the story is that of the $120 million cut from DHS's emergency preparedness funds, NYC and DC alone are bearing virtually the entire brunt of the budget cuts:
Washington and New York will receive 40 percent less in urban grant money compared to last year, with Washington dropping from $77 million to $46 million and New York falling from $207 million to $124 million, DHS officials said. The combined total means that the two areas bear almost the entire brunt of a $120 million cut in the overall budget for the program, the statistics show.
Perhaps it is to free up money for cities susceptible to natural disasters? Guess again. Not to be forgotten in the budget cutting madness is New Orleans, which "saw its urban grant award drop from $9.3 million to $4.6 million."
If anyone needs any more evidence that the Republican Party has declared open warfare against our nation's cities, then I'm afraid there's no helping him or her. The modern Republican Party has made it very clear that it flies the elephant above the Stars and Stripes, and since they know that there aren't too many elephants in the cities, they are just letting us die off either from crazed terrorists or Mother Nature. They'd rather see our nation's cities in desolation than have liberals live in security.