This USAToday article has an awesome global warming graphic...I'd love to know if any Dark Syde's of the world have similar links..
And let's applaud and pitch our celeb activist collegues for their past and future work for the environment and for Democrats... we need all the help we can get to fight off the scourge of Big Oil and Evil Multinational Conglomerate Inc., AKA The Republican Party.
Other celebrities who are talking about global warming:
* Brad Pitt will narrate Design: e2, a series about environmentally friendly architecture. The series is scheduled to air in June on PBS.
* Keanu Reeves and singer Alanis Morrissette narrate The Great Warming, a climate documentary that had its U.S. premiere in April.
* On his website, Leonardo DiCaprio narrates a short global-warming primer. The actor is working on his own environmental documentary, called "11th Hour," according to the site.
And Gore has blended Hollywood with Washington in a high-profile way that has some pundits, such as The Washington Post's Richard Cohen, saying the effort could pave the way for a second Gore campaign for the White House.