Just joined, pulled in by Kos' Libertarian Dem post, and have been lurking for a week or two. I am here primarily to read and comment, but thought I would go ahead and submit what will probably be my one and only "Diary". One and only because the diary looks exactly like a blog to me, and it is already all I can do to get one or two posts out per week on my exisitng Blog:
Divided We Stand, United We Fall.
I am finding a lot of great Progressive Democratic strategy for '06, '08 and beyond getting air-time here. My perspecitve is more limited, as I intend to play the same one note song repeatedly between now and the November election. It is a song that will probably only be of interest to those who consider themselves fiscal conservatives, social liberals, and/or limited government advocates.
This is the song: There is nothing more politically important today than the end of single party control of both the legislative and executive branch of our federal government, both now in 2006 and for all time.
links on next page ...
By way of introduction, on the blog I outline the case for divided government, and describe a tactical voting strategy to accomplish that goal. Relevant posts:
The first post lays down an intellectual foundation by linking to former Reagan economic advisor William Niskanen's work showing that single party control of the executive and legislative branch always results in big increases in government spending and deficits and overall worse governance than a government split between the parties.
The second post outlines and advocates a voting strategy showing how a relatively small group of committed voters could effectively secure better more fiscally responsible government by always voting for divided government.
The fifth post speculates that libertarians could be that swing voting block, if the electorate is polarized and evenly divided and if one could actually organize libertarians.
Interested in all comments, suggestions, debate and delighted to be a participant in this community. - DWSUWF