Darcy Burner released her first television advertisement today.
(I have only seen it online, and I have no idea about how frequently it is being shown on broadcast or cable.)
I have to say I think it is acceptable, and probably accomplishes its limited goal, but it isn't particularly inspiring.
Let's hope the ads get better over time.
More comments in extended.
Her goal seems to be "This is who I am, and these are the basic life facts that inform my world view." These facts are her family's military ties, emphasis on public education, and ties to the middle class. That and some motherhood and apple pie issues (social security, health care.)
She obviously has to overcome a huge name-recognition deficit. Her opponent, Dave Reichert, built up many years of goodwill in this community through his years of service as King County Sheriff, while she has not held public office.
The Ned Lamont "approve this message ... and so do we'" schtick has neither the freshness nor the spirit that was apparent in the original.
The biggest problem is the lack of concrete reasons to vote for her (or against her opponent.) What will change if she is elected? What party does she represent? (There is no reference to the Democratic party.)
Adequate for a first step, but let's put some meat on this fire.