he's at 45% approval in Gallup and Fox today! is this just a statistical anomaly or are we seeing another phenomenon at work? is this a result of spineless Democratic leaders watching passively as Republicans commit fuckup after fuckup, doing nothing to attract the electorate their way?
I heard Al Franken ask Harry Reid yesterday on his radio show if the Democrats would make Republican corruption an issue in 2006. Reid responded that it was Republicans themselves that would make it an issue. this "give 'em enough rope..." attitude is the problem with the Democratic party today; we need party leaders who will stand up, gather the posse, tie the knot and slap the horse on the ass!
(more on the flip)
Democrats need to exhibit an agressive, coherent, loud and unified chorus of voices that focus and maintain attention on the vast corporate theft of our democracy that Rove/bush has engineered over the last four years. they need to go beyond the mere surface scratch that a previously lapdog media is finally beginning to initiate. Let's talk about cronyism not just in FEMA, but in the EPA and FDA for christ's sake! let's look at the Orwellian Newspeak campaigns such as "Healthy Forrests" and "Clear Skies" and the corporate imagemakers such as Frank Luntz and Ralph Reed that created them. make THAT connection to Delay and Abramoff.
All that is required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing; well, the Democrats have been doing nothing ever since the senate stood mute after the Florida election fraud of 2000, too afraid of looking like sore losers to do anything while our democracy was being stolen from us right under our own noses! They stood mute and unquestioning as we all were lied to so that Halliburton and ExxonMobil could get the war they wanted, too afraid of being labeled "Unpatriotic" to do their duty to their constituencies and to the constitution.
I, for one, am sick and tired of this bullshit chickenshit representation. the message is clear Democrats: you are being handed something on a silver platter, RUN WITH IT!! get off of the sidelines, get off of your asses and DO SOMETHING!!!!!