What the fuck is going on around here. This is a site I used to be proud of. It's a site that I told every Democrat I knew about. It was a site where extremely bright people could come and work towar getting rid of the GOP and develop great ideas to make our country better.
No more. I don't tell people to check out the site because I am embarrassed by the people here. It has become Freerepublic, Redstate and Instapundit rolled into one. People will say the most vile things about candidates they oppose and then a bunch of their like minded haters will jump right in.
Even people who have been here forever, who have shown that they are rational and willing to fight the GOP any way they can have been taken over.
I have dedicated myself to electing democrats. I have dedicated myself to destroyng the GOP message machine. I left a high paying job to go back to school in hopes of working in radio to counter the lies heard every day on talk radio.
And yet those same lies are being spread here.
Obama isn't the enemy. Hillary isn't the enemy. Neither are Edwards, Richardson, Biden, Dodd... Is Hillary the best choice for President? Not by a long shot IMO. Obama? More than Hillary but maybe not the best.
But one thing is for damn sure. Each and every one of our candidates is miles and miles better than the best GOP candidate, whoever that may be.
The enemy is the GOP and their well oiled message machine. That is who we should fight. Not use their lies to further our chosen candidates chances.
Then we truely are no better than our enemy. We are our enemy.