On the heels of F 9-11, a little tidbit of information from the 9-11 commission snuck under the wires.
This is fascinating to me for two reasons. One being the lunacy of releasing information that is so easily proven to be erroneous on the heels of Moore's film. Two being the arrogance and art of Daniel Hopsicker, the jounalist holding the smokingest gun in the 9-11 cover up.
The FBI report to the 9/11 Commission says nothing about Atta in Miami on Sept 7. For good measure they say nothing about him being back in Miami Sept 9.
- IF Atta left Ft. Lauderdale for Baltimore on Sept. 7...how could he have been drinking at Shuckum's raw bar for three hours that afternoon?
- IF Atta left Ft. Lauderdale for Baltimore on Sept. 7...How could he have been in Fort Lauderdale returning a rental car Sept. 9?
These are not small matters. Imprecision from any branch of the American government in the murder investigation of 3000 people is unacceptable.
The answer that seems right to us--at least at this time--is there's something's very deliberately being concealed from the American people about the hijackers final days. So...the really big question about Mohamed Atta's final days isn't what was he doing...
Its why are they lying to us about it?
Daniel Hopsicker has been following up the story of the Florida Terror Flight School since the day of 9-11. Why? It just keeps getting weirder. The weirdos have lawyers too, and, Hopsicker ex of NBC says ... Sue me please! Mark of an honest guy.
Why are they lying to us? (and, read the story he has hard evidence, rental car reciepts and the like to back what he is saying up there). How the hell would I know? Speculating about it makes me a conspiracy theorist, and that is what I am. Why? Because murder is a crime, and, there is more than one person responsible for 9-11. A global network we are told. So by the nature of the crime, any investigator becomes ... a conspiracy theorist in the loose, lay sense of the word (I won't throw the academic stuff at you).
I am not really even an investigator, but, a reporter, editor of this little bit of cyberspace Kos so generously provides.
Here is my thinking. Ok. 9-11 = War in Afghanistan. Break that link anywhere and the White House is a crime scene in an open homicide investigation of 3, 000 people on 9-11 and tens of thousands around the world.
As this next journalist reports on 08/30/01 from the ground in Afghanistan where he is Asia Times' Roving Eye, every Mujahideen worth his kalishnokov knew what was coming down the pike:
Osama bin Laden - also the No 1 target of the CIA's counter-terrorism center - is now a superstar playing the bad guy in some sort of planetary Hollywood fiction. Yet inside Afghanistan today, where the Saudi Arabian lives in exile, Osama is a minor character. He is ill and always in hiding - usually "somewhere near Kabul". Once in a while he travels incognito to Peshawar. His organization, the Al Qa'Ida, is split, and in tatters. The Taliban owe him a lot for his past deeds towards the movement and in putting them in power in Afghanistan - contributing with a stack of his own personal fortune of millions of dollars. But no longer an asset, he has become a liability.
General President (or vice-versa) Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan is not sleeping very well these days since the full force of the George W administration requested his direct input into a high-tech "Get Osama" operation any time soon. Peshawar is full of rumors concerning an American commando infiltrating Afghanistan from Pakistan, supported by formidable airpower.
Call Jerry Bruckheimer! This is the stuff Hollywood is made of - and also the stuff of debacles such as Jimmy Carter's attempted rescue of US hostages in Iran. Any Mujahid worth his Kalashnikov in Afghanistan these days - up to commander Ahmadshah Masoud himself - is on the record as saying that Cruise missile attacks will cause no damage whatsoever to the already ravaged country.
Officially, Musharraf has rejected his support for this latest Hollywood ploy, and has been frantically trying to convince the Americans any brutal action against Osama or his so-called "terrorist sanctuaries" will fuel a radical Islamic backlash in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia of "burn, baby, burn" proportions. It doesn't matter that the strike would have the full approval of the United Nations and the G-8 countries - this would be an added reason for a series of Islamic counter-strikes across the industrialized world.
Under an army of spinners, this nifty "George W does Rambo" number will be played to the galleries as one of the latest American foreign policy initiatives concerning Afghanistan. It's no secret America wants even more sanctions against the Taliban - and maybe against Pakistan. But as many people either in the Pashto belt on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border or in the Tajik-speaking areas have been saying out loud for months, there is no Western policy concerning Afghanistan - except the UN sanctions, which among others, call on the Taliban to hand over bin Laden. 08/30/01