As many of you know, I volunteer for the John Laesch for Congress campaign in Illinois' 14th congressional district, the seat formerly held by Dennis Hastert. Many are calling this the ground-zero fight between a grassroots Progressive and a self-funding Blue Dog. Many are drawing comparisons between the race last season between Duckworth and Cegalis in Illinois' 6th district, in which the DCCC candidate won the primary and was defeated by the entrenched, corrupt republican.
All of this makes the letter I just received especially ironic.
More below the fold.
The full text of the letter is below, but basically, they are sending me a letter to ask for money. Now, I won't be sending them any, considering they will use it to support my candidate's opponent in the primary. However, there are many, MANY other reasons why I will not be sending them money. I am going to be sending them all to them in a letter, mailed in the envelope provided.
And here's where you all come into the story!
I don't want this to be all about me, or all about John. I want it to be all about the PEOPLE. So, what I am asking, is that you let the DCCC know that YOU will not be sending them money, either, and why. Post it as a comment in this thread or email it to me at KristenLash AT gmail DOT com and I will add it to the envelope I am sending. Make sure to sign it with at least your city. That way they know this sentiment is felt all over the country! I'm hoping to get this in the mail by either Friday or Saturday.
Let's send a strong message to the DCCC: We are sick and tired of reactionary machine politics. We want the voices of WE THE PEOPLE to be represented in Congress!!! The more people who participate in this, the stronger that message will be!
The letter reads:
Dear Kristen Lash,
As 2007 comes to a close, the Democratic Party is working night and day to overcome President Bush's misguided policies and stubborn resistance to our ideals and policies, but if we keep working together and keep fighting, we can continue to make progress, taking America in a New Direction.
That's why I'm asking you to join other leading Democrats in the Dekalb(sic, yes, the K is supposed to be capitalized.) area in supporting the Democratic Majority Drive with a generous gift of $15, $25, $35, $50 or more today.
In the face of fierce resistance from President Bush and his Republican allies in Congress, the Democratic Majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has already strengthened House ethics rules and passed landmark legislation -- repealing billions in oil industry tax breaks ... lowering student loan interest rates ... reducing prescription costs for people on Medicare ... funding stem-cell research ... raising the minimum wage ... and holding the Bush Administration accountable for its disastrous policies on the war in Iraq.
But despite the public support for these initiatives, President Bush is vetoing key parts of our agenda for change. Meanwhile, the Republicans are already targetting newly elected House Democrats -- many of whom won in Republican-leaning districts -- hoping to regain their stranglehold on the House in 2008. That's why your support is so vital.
As the official campaign arm of Democrats in the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is our nation's only political committee dedicated to strengthening our Democratic Majority in the House -- by standing with Democratic lawmakers targeted by the GOP ... recruiting strong challengers to take on vulnerable Republican incumbents ... providing our candidates with financial and strategic assistance ... and running political ads in their districts.
With your support today, we will be able to stay on the offense to increase our Democratic Majority and help elect a Democratic president in 2008. Your help will be critical to providing the resources needed to mobilize Democratic field activists early and turn out voters in key districts.
Kristen Lash, the elections of 2006 were the first critical steps toward a Democratic victory that strengthens and expands out Majority in Congress and takes back the White House. Now I ask you to help finish the job and win an even bigger victory in 2008 -- by joining other Democratic leaders in the Dekalb(sic) area in supporting the Democratic Majority Drive.
Thank You,
Rep. Chris Van Hollen
DCCC Chairman
*Note: All of the elipses were in the original letter. I did not leave anything out, this is the entire text. The only things I added were the notes after the word "Dekalb", which is supposed to be "DeKalb".