If you are like me, you woke up this morning, powered up the computer, opened your calendar, and thought, "OMG, I can’t believe it’s that day again." (It’s a fracking conspiracy, I tell you.) And if you are like me, you work hard for too many hours, and so it is up to you to make up for 365 days of someone else putting up with you, your wacky schedule, your strange computer habits, your hoarding of the remote control and subjecting the family to hours upon hours of c-span.
<center>And so it’s Valentine’s Day, and you’ve got nuttin.
You could rush to store and grab the last card, complete with wrinkled envelope and foot print, grab the last brown edged rose, a few boxes of jr. mints and a frozen lasagna, or convince that special someone that delayed gratification is often worth the wait, and you’ve had something special planned all along...
How do I love thee? Let me rant the ways! Nothing says I love you quite like a righteous rant. You can give the gift of your own rant, or the freedom to rant, for one full minute on national radio, graciously provided by Sam Seder and our friends at Air America Radio. It’s a gift that’s guaranteed to please, unlike that footprint stained card.
Instead of the sad brown roses, give her the gift that keeps on blooming. A big box of gardening goodies assembled with love by the Saturday Morning Garden Blogging crew will remind her all year long that she is your beautiful, delicate flower.
Jr. mints, while yummy, are pretty much an amalgam of things not good for you. Our own Orange Clouds has a delicious alternative for you. And not just one batch but but two for your nibbling pleasure.
Do you remember the first? How about the 100, 00th or maybe the 100,000th + 1? Yes, we are that big. The community, that is. Everyone likes big round numbers, so grab one he can hold on to forever.
Your pooties love you, and and for Valentine’s day they want you to have a family orange pooties where ever you go. And while you are helping kitty do her shopping, you might as well pick up another jewelry item or two, ya know, since you are already in the neighborhood.
And finally, if that doesn’t work for you, how about purchasing your own stud services.
No...not that kind, you silly,
this kind.
For the rest of you who think the whole thing is a racket, well, I bet you can find plenty of friends who will drink to that...and why not do it with your own set of Drinking Liberally mugs.
These and other wonderful belated Valentine’s Day gift items can be found on the YearlyKos Convention auction page. All proceeds go to funding the YearlyKos Convention so we can keep costs reasonable for attendees, and live stream events for you online participants.
Thanks for your support, and Happy Valentines Day :)