Counterpunch today, Vietnam veteran Stan Goff suggests several actions to take before the September 24-26 stop-the-war mobilization in Washington.
Every week from now on, write your Congress-hack (there are a few who don't deserve this) and tell him (or her) that you are extremely disappointed in them for not having stopped the war. Get as many people as you can to do the same thing. Call them on the phone until they sign out a restraining order against you for stalking. Take delegations to her (or his) office.
Next, Stan suggests something more creative:
Then organize at least two public events -- one in July and one in September, no matter how small, in your local community -- that explain why the war is wrong. If you want to know how to answer that business of "we broke it, we own it," I have talking points listed at That's the next layer we have to win over -- the people who didn't want the war, who don't want the war, but can't conceive of how the US can simply leave.
He suggests people to invite to your events:
Contact Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Gold Star Families for Peace, September 11 Families for a Peaceful Tomorrow, and Iraq Veterans Against the War, and have them contact local reps to attend these events. They have immunity from pro-war, patriot-baiting nonsense.
Finally, he suggests a little badgering:
At each of these events, badger people unmercifully to come to Washington DC on September 24-26 for a mass mobilization against the war. Information is available at Don't just badger them to come, badger them to get others to come. Badger them to pay for at least one person to come that can't afford to come.
Personally, I can't imagine it would do any good to contact my Congresshack, but Stan has inspired me to try.