Imagine this scenario:
As you sit alone at your grey cubicle, a FedEx delivery man hands you an envelope. "Are you [insert your name]?" "That's me," you reply and sign for the package. Ripping open the envelope and tipping out its contents, a black cellphone drops into your hand. Suddenly, it rings!
Nervously, you answer. "Hello?" A deep voice at the other end responds,"Hello, [insert your name]. Do you know who this is?" You lean forward and whisper: "Howard Dean?" "That's right, [insert your name]. And I need you to do exactly what I say." "You want me to climb out onto the window ledge of the building?" "No, no, [insert your name]. Don't be a fool. I need you to write a new ELEVATOR SPEECH for the party. The future depends on you, [insert your name]. I need that speech right away."
Will you be "The One" to pen the perfect elevator speech for Dean?
Don't wait. Try your hand, today!
(Frameshop is open...)
- Elevator speech can only be one sentence, maximum 50 words.
- Elevator speech must relay the core values of the Democratic party in clear, concise and easy to remember words.
- All entries must be posted in this thread.
- Elevator Speech must be so good that Dean won't have to dodge bullets.
- Thread is open to contest entries and all comments or critiques.
- No limit to the number of entries that may be submitted.
- Contest ends at 1pm June 14, 2005 (tomorrow).
-The winning Elevator Speech will be focus of upcoming Frameshop entry about Howard Dean.
Update [2005-6-14 13:25:35 by Jeffrey Feldman]:
And the winner is...
It's a tie!
drewfromct penned this short and punchy Elevator Speech:
The Democratic Party stands for freedom, security, and oppurtunity--for America and the world.
brahn wrote a much longer, but equally powerful version of his/her own:
Democrats promote our society's progress, strengthen our democracy, embrace America's global leadership, root out abuses of power, and defend your right to live a dignified life in accordance with your own beliefs.
In reality, though, everyone who posted an entry was a winner. These things are very, very hard and it takes many attempts to come up with a speech that works across a broad range of constituents. So, if you got started, you win. Keep working them until they sound perfect.
Here's a key: an Elevator Speech is selling your party, so if it contains anything negative about the opposition--back to the drawing board.
An Elevator Speech must be easy enough to remember and repeat after hearing it only once. Too long, and--back to the drawing board.
AT the end of the day, my opinion is not really an issue. When an Elevator Speech hits the money, it's clear right from the start.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to try your hands at writing!