CNN has a story breaking down their poll numbers from last nights telephone poll. According to the poll, Rice is believed by 43% to Clarke's 36%, but that 72% of those polled were Republicans, which likely puts her over the top.
Also, a resounding 60% of those polled believed the Bush administration had NO plan for terrorism before 9/11. Rice has a 41% favorable rating and 43% saying they weren't familiar enough with her to have an opinion.
One more, 40% disagreed with Rice when she made the statement that restrictions on law enforcement authorities played a role in the government's failure to detect the plot. 33% said that may be partly responsible.
Rice tried to cherrypick, and at times was not allowed to, particularly on the memo title. Dragging that memo title out of her may turn serious against her and Bush. There is no way a daily Presidential Briefing was "merely historical." If it was, that shows gross incompetence by Rice, Cheney and others. If it wasn't, then Rice lied. Rice contradicted herself and others quite often. According to Bill Frist, that amounts to perjury. I am waiting for Mr. Frist to tell us all why Rice didn't commit perjury, but Clarke did.