Wake Up America!
This is a message to those voters, like me, who care about 'Family Values', to those who believe, as do I, that America is falling ever further down the slippery slope of semen stained degeneracy and sin.
And, incidentally, to those in the 'Gay' community who are are 'in the know' about your Republican friends.
The message is this: Larry Craig is the tip of the iceberg. The entire Republican leadership, top to bottom, and I mean that literally, is hiding a very dirty secret; a huge percentage, in fact the majority of them, are all gay. Flaming, screaming, totally gay.
And I don't just mean elected officials, like Craig, Foley, Bob Allen, Jim West, Dominici, Graham, Cornyn, or Blunt, but political appointees, career officials, even cabinet secretaries.
There are lesbians in the highest levels of the State Department. Is this a security issue? Why not ask Condoleeza Rice? Are there diplomats, intelligence officers, ambassadors that are gay? Most, if not all, my friends.
I don't even need to mention the entire religious leadership, but I will, because it needs to all come out. So let me ask the obvious question: do you think Haggard could have gotten away with his shenanigans all that time without anyone knowing? Without help, indeed without support and encouragement?
It isn't my place to question these religious authority figures. That is better left to people like James Daly, of Focus on the Family, and William Donohue of the Catholic League, or Dobson, or Hinn, or Hagee. Yes, that's a question for Hagee, not me. Ask him. I know of many, many, more religious leaders that shall remain nameless. I'm not here to stain reputations, but to Wake People Up!
Surey, you're thinking, at least I can trust the conservative media? Let me put it this way; I can name dozens of radio hosts, bloggers, Fox news anchors, columnists, and spokespeople on every level and in every position.
I'm not just talking about well known people like Hume, or Krauthammer, or Kristol, or Reed, or any of the others who haven't come out, but I can name nedia people you would never dream are gay.
So my message to those, like me, who care about Family Values, is to trust No One!
If there is any doubt, trust your instincts - they're gay. If they deny it, that is PROOF that they're gay. Believe it. Trust no one.
And if you don't believe me, ask any of your friends in the 'Gay' Community. They will back this up. Ask people you trust. If they try to calm you down - watch your ass!
Finally, I ask those of you in the 'Gay' Community to stop covering up for your high placed friends. I know you all know each other. I know your secret signs.
I also know it's unpleasant to be associated with these bigots and perverts, but your own honesty and self-love is all you are responsible for. You can't help it if all these liars and thieves are gay.