Congressional Candidates Wife is the name I write as and my name is Sherri Welsh. My husband is Barry Welsh, Congressional Candidate for Indiana’s 6th District.
Today is 9/11, like other diaries I’m sure a lot of people are writing about their experiences both positive and negative - pre/current and post 9/11, some have personally known victims and families of victims of 9/11 and it’s a release of emotion, heart felt and fierce.
I’m writing because like you, I’m emotional about 9/11 – forever etched in my head, the images of watching in shock and horror, the second passenger plane crash into the Tower.
With disbelief at what I saw, it still haunts me, I feel like it just happened. I have always heard others speak of life changing events and where they were and what they were doing. What they remember seeing and watching with wonder, the expressions they were displaying in their eyes and faces as they verbalized the memory. I could imagine but I didn’t know the feeling. Today, since 9/11/2001 I have been feeling the excruciating pain and I never knew them the victims. Somehow I feel embarrassed to say that because, I did not know who the victims were, nor where they came from, what did they look like and who were their families? I can’t help it; I physically flinch when I see images from that day. This is what it’s like when people relate their experiences of something so life changing?
Today, I am reminded by everything I sense that this is something that had united us as a nationwide family. We reacted similarly and our nation wept and mourned openly and loudly of our loss. I don’t think a lot of people remember right after 9/11 – I saw a majority of the communities were lost in sorrow over the loss. Acting on their patriotism has galvanized some, some suffered immeasurable losses – fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and so many more.
Today I see a nation united still in it's grief, and reacting in so many ways. Today, I want to respectfully with heartfelt feeling show that I miss every one of the victims. I may not have known them, or anything about them but you never know how one’s paths may cross? How would one know if they’ve ever been on the same street in the same city as one of those lost and never see them? Who knows?
Today, there will be lots of talk about emotion, facts, reaction, examination, disgust, sorrow and thought on this anniversary of 9/11. Some we will agree with, and some we won’t agree with – but it’s good to see we are not alone in our grief. Remember and cry if you want but remember – it’s painful, it stings even – talking about it helps.
On the anniversary of 9/11, Barry’s campaign has been talking about it. The Campaign Blog Barry’s blog is up and he (and I) feel it would be good to have people give us their comments on their feelings about today.
The campaign also has a press release out on the Iraq War Report and I will put some of it at the bottom too, so keep reading.
Six years later and Osama Bin Laden is still releasing videos? I am ashamed of our President for allowing that to happen. It is a slap in the face to every family that lost someone on that day.
We should have hunted the people down that did this to our country.
Instead, we were misled into Iraq and that is unforgivable.
Imagine the United States attacking Brazil after Pearl Harbor. It would not make sense and it would be unforgivable.
What those in power did in Iraq is a tarnish and disgrace to the heroes that died on 9-11 and they must be held accountable to restore the pride in this nation that it deserves.
President Bush, and every member of congress in both parties that continue supporting going into Iraq instead of going after Osama Bin Laden, bears the responsibility for not avenging the loss on 9-11. From Barry’s Blog
Barry Welsh had this to say in response to Pence’s public remarks during the hearing yesterday. "Congressman Pence is and has been in lock step with President Bush on Iraq. I find it comforting to know that Indiana Senator Richard Lugar has embraced the reality on the ground and has begun to espouse views which are closer to my own."
"I find Pence’s remarks offensive coming just one day before the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Had the Congressman been alive to witness Pearl Harbor, would he have advocated attacking Brazil because Japan attacked our base in the Pacific? By supporting the war in Iraq Mike Pence has done essentially the same thing," said Welsh from the campaign press release
So, we feel emotional and pained, we will get through this. We need to make the very best out of our loss, to deepen the meaning of the lives of those lost. I think we all grieve in our own ways and that is not a cliché, it’s true. In whatever way that you express your feelings on the subject, I know that all will remember with respect, those that we have lost. I know we will keep the picture of what really is important to all, the safety, security and success of our nation and peoples.
Okay, I’ve gone on long enough and if you are still reading this, I’m really - no, I'm really thrilled. ;o)
This is my diary and an inside view of a congressional candidate’s campaign in action. My diary is not vetted through the campaign, it’s just my thoughts and feelings put to paper or screen in this case.
Thank you for reading my diary and comments are freely welcome.
Sherri Welsh
Congressional Candidates Wife