Every day of September (almost) I'm making a contribution to a new candidate, announcing it here on Daily Kos, and encouraging you to join me. If one person matches my contribution on my ActBlue page, I'll double my contribution; if ten people match it, I'll triple. Details here.
TekBoss and jnhobbs both matched my contributions to Ron Shepston and Darcy Burner, so today each candidate gets $20 more from me.
withthelidoff suggested today's candidate, Mark Pera. Follow me below the fold for more.
This campaign is about, in Atrios' phrase, more and better Democrats. For the most part, I've been steering clear of contested primaries, focusing, if you will, on the more. This one's different. This one's about better.
Mark Pera wants to replace incumbent Dan Lipinski, whom Markos calls "one of the worst Bush Dogs". This PVI +10 district is a district that deserves a better Dem, and Mark Pera is precisely that. So today he gets $20 for me in support of his primary challenge; won't you please join me?
Here's Mark's website.
Here's my ActBlue page, Where My Mouth Is.