Every day of September (almost) I'm making a contribution to a new candidate, announcing it here on Daily Kos, and encouraging you to join me. If one person matches my contribution on my ActBlue page, I'll double my contribution; if ten people match it, I'll triple. Details here.
Yesterday jnhobbs again matched my contribution, so today I'm sending $20 more to Mark Pera.
Christine Jennings "lost" the 2006 election in Florida's 13th district by 369 votes. Follow me below the fold to help her 2008 victory be counted.
Christine Jennings opposed our war and occupation of Iraq since its inception. Even so, in 2006 she came within 400 votes - by the official tally - of her Republican opponent, in this PVI R+4 district. And she fought for every vote; hers was the district that most clearly exposed the disaster that is electronic voting.
She is running again, and, simply said: I want to help her win it, even officially, this time. So I'm dropping $20 in her tip jar today; won't you please join me? Thanks!
Here's Christine's website.
Here's my ActBlue page, Where My Mouth Is.