Every day of September I'm making a contribution to a new candidate, announcing it here on Daily Kos, and encouraging you to join me. If one person matches my contribution on my ActBlue page, I'll double my contribution; if ten people match it, I'll triple. Details here.
Yesterday blueintheface and one other person joined me in contributing to Angie Paccione, so today I'm sending her $20 more.
Let's celebrate Labor Day by supporting a strong supporter of Labor; let's help Donna Edwards. Follow me below the fold for more.
I've been trying to avoid primary contests for the most part - I don't know that much about any one district to be able to make good choices. Yesterday, as it happens, I inadvertently contributed to an active primary campaign. But today - on purpose - I'm supporting Donna Edwards in her primary race against Al Wynn.
I wanted my Labor Day candidate to be a strong supporter of labor, and I went down my list of candidates - and was distressed to see how few speak up for unions. Many have AFL-CIO endorsements (or did in '06); many have positions that support keeping US jobs, but on the whole they seem fairly reluctant to identify with the labor movement proper. I'm very sorry to see that; unions are vital and our candidates should understand that.
Donna Edwards (suggested by n0madic in comments a couple of days ago) understands the importance of unions. Her website proudly mentions her presence at a North Carolina hog processing plant. Donna is a good liberal candidate running against a Blue Dog in a solidly Democratic district. This campaign is about more and better Democrats; let's upgrade MD-04! Donna, here is $20 from me; who else will help this strong labor candidate on Labor Day? Thanks!
Here's Donna's website.
Here's my ActBlue page, Where My Mouth Is.