Every day of September I'm making a contribution to a new candidate, announcing it here on Daily Kos, and encouraging you to join me. If one person matches my contribution on my ActBlue page, I'll double my contribution; if ten people match it, I'll triple. Details here.
Yesterday Clem Yeobright matched my contribution to Donna Edwards, so today she gets $20 more from me.
Today's candidate is Vic Wulsin in Ohio's 2nd District. Follow me below the fold for more.
Victoria Wulsin gets it. She's one of us. A public health doctor who nearly defeated Mean Jean Schmidt (who is on Karl Rove's "priority defense" list) last year, a strong, level-headed, hard-working campaigner; she's ready to win this PVI R+13 district in 2008 and it's up to us to help her. So, Vic, here's $20 from me. Let's see how many other contributors we can find. Go ahead - click - it takes just a minute, and you'll feel better afterward!
Here's Vic's website.
Here's my ActBlue page, Where My Mouth Is.