Every day of September I'm making a contribution to a new candidate, announcing it here on Daily Kos, and encouraging you to join me. If one person matches my contribution on my ActBlue page, I'll double my contribution; if ten people match it, I'll triple. Details here.
Yesterday Aeolus matched my contribution to Victoria Wulsin (and others), so today I'm sending her $20 more.
Not all the news from Idaho is about wide stances and tapping toes. Follow me below the fold to find out why I'm supporting Larry Grant for Congress - and why I think you should, too.
Bill Sali is the despicable Republican who doesn't think Hindus or Muslims belong in our legislative buildings, much less our government.
Larry Grant knows better, and with our help in 2006 came within 5 percentage points of beating Sali in this PVI R+19 district. Pretty good, eh? Larry's a good guy, a netroots candidate, and a serious campaigner. That's why I'm sending him $20 today; I hope you'll join me.
Here's Larry's website.
Here's my ActBlue page, Where My Mouth Is.