I am completely undecided between the two. I want supporters to tell me: Why should I vote for your candidate?
Read that question carefully: I don't want to know why I should NOT vote for your candidate's opponent. I want to hear the case FOR your candidate, based solely on the issues.
I've seen the attacks, I've seen the polls. I know what I perceive as the negatives of each candidate. To me, at this moment, they are equal as far as pros and cons.
Edwards has changed too many positions for my liking. He supported NAFTA, now he's against it. He voted for the war, now he's against it. He voted for NCLB, now he wants to change it. There are also a few of his positions that I don't agree with. He is against gay marriage. He is for keeping the death penalty. He doesn't want to get rid of NCLB (though he wants to "tweak" it).
Obama isn't clear enough for me. Even in his position papers, he doesn't give specifics on what he wants to see done on certain issues. I know the generalities of where he stands: He wants to overhaul NCLB, he's unequivocally against the war, etc. But, I don't really know the specifics of what he wants to DO about those positions.
Neither one of them are perfect on my two "uncompromisable" issues: healthcare and education. I like Edwards on healthcare more than I like Obama, but I like Obama on education more than I like Edwards.
Ideally, I like Kucinich. He is absolutely perfect on almost every single issue. However, I just don't think he would make a good president. He's too quirky and hot-headed, not to mention his problems he had with the FEC over his 2004 campaign. He's a wonderful representative, and I'd like to keep him in the House.
So, please, make your case, Edwards or Obama?