I am Barry Welsh and I am running against Mike Pence for the Sixth District Seat from Indiana in the United States House of Representatives.
Our campaign has released the following Statement to the Media across the district.
Connersville,IN- The Barry Welsh for Congress campaign is calling upon current Congressman Mike Pence to denounce, and distance himself from the hateful and narrow-minded comments made on MSNBC by his fellow Republican Congresswoman, Michelle Bachmann. The Candidate Barry Welsh said, "The outlandish remarks of Representative Bachmann show how fearful Republicans are in this cycle, and how they are trying anything and everything to keep the focus off of their failures over the past eight years. If Congressman Pence doesn’t distance himself from this, he is just as guilty as if he would have said it himself. These statements are beyond election rhetoric and the Congresswoman should be censured at the least, and defeated for re-election as the ultimate repercussion. Mr. Pence, Denounce Congresswoman Bachmann’s Comments."
This story has not hit the media in this district yet, so we are out in front of it by a large margin, but when it hits, our response is already in the hands of the media.
I would recommend contacting your other favorite candidates for Congress and advising them to get in front of this as well.
Thanks for reading and for all that you do.
Barry Welsh
Indiana 6th District Congressional Candidate