Sarah Palin is the most extreme candidate to run for high office since Barry Goldwater in 1964 (and Goldwater was no Religious fundamentalist who was into excorcisms either !)
TPM has puts together a valuable collection of Palin's videos clips. Please pass these on. The election is less than 5 Weeks away.
Talking Points Memo( done a great job in compiling a selection of Sarah'yeeha'Palin's best video moments. This is essential viewing for anyone stupid enough to even consider voting for this woman who would become President if McCain (God forbid) wins in November, dies in office and Palin is sworn in (by her Witchdoctor)as President.
TPM's 'All About Sarah' should be all over the mainstream media as this nutjob is getting an easy ride from the corporate Media. Pass on the link to everybody you know. The media will never hold Palin or old flip-flopper McCain to account so it falls to the Blogosphere to once again step up to the plate.
All of Palins's greatest hits are included here - Couric interview, Bridge to Nowhere, Alaska & Russia,can't blink,Bush doctrine etc.
With less than 5 Weeks to go we need to continually expose the idiocy and extremism of McCain / Palin and hit them hard as the Right-wing gutter machine is ready to attack.
For example : a leading far-right pro-life organization,the National Right to Life Committee, is preparing to unleash a scathing radio ad campaign across the country charging that Barack Obama's position on abortion is "extreme" and that he, in effect, allowed babies to die. The ad charges that Obama killed a measure in Illinois that would have protected the lives of babies who survive abortions. This kind of reprehensible garbage is the kind of crap that swings votes --- the GOP told voters in 2004 that John Kerry wanted to ban their Bibles and it worked in some States. Similar misleading attacks/ lies from the NRA, the McCain Campaign, Swiftboaters, Fox News, Talk Radio etc are a major concern for the next five weeks.