So, Obama is really proposing WELFARE. Obama is interested in controlling your piece of the pie.
40% of us don't pay taxes, and Obama wants to send those people a check, and he wants to increase taxes on other people to spread the wealth around.
That's the PILE OF DUNG that McCain is serving as I write this.
This isn't a proper diary.
This is a poor person who PAYS TAXES, and I'm mad as hell, and SICK AND TIRED of hearing the GOP constantly LIE about this issue.
I can assure you, the IRS will not back up this claim by these GOP LIARS that poor people don't pay taxes.
Go ahead. Call the IRS. Ask them if it's true that poor people don't pay taxes.
I did. In 1997 and 1998, I changed my withholding because, if I hadn't kept more money in my pocket during those years, I would have been HOMELESS. I just barely scraped by, and when I filled out my taxes for those years, the IRS said I owed $800. They tacked on $2500 in fines and fees.
Now, I ask you, how is that possible if POOR PEOPLE DON'T PAY TAXES?
I asked the IRS that question. I asked the IRS why President Bush, and Republican lawmakers and Republican Party spokes persons, and STEVE FORBES are making the claim that poor people don't pay taxes?
That's FALSE, they said.
But don't take my word for it. Go ahead and call the IRS and ask them if Sarah Palin is telling the truth when she says that 40% of us don't pay any taxes. As I write this that LIAR is on television telling people that Obama wants to institute socialism. She says that raising taxes on hard-working people will stifle growth.
I've HAD IT!!!
While you're at it, call CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NYT and every other news outlet carrying water for this assinine claim.