I have to share this, it has made me sooo happy I'm bursting!
Eight years ago, my brother introduced me to his first real girlfriend. At the time, he was 23 and she was 18. I was 17 years older than my brother, and was not only his friend, but his 2nd mom. She was beautiful, smart... everything you hope for. But then the downside, at a holiday meal, up reared the ugly political conversation that always happens around big meals. We are a family of long time Dems, and her ideas and respect for George Bush were downright scary. She even had my brother convinced that Dems would take his guns (typical republican arguement). So for the next two years, we avoided all politcal conversations with her. Then the unbelievable happened and my brother died of a unknown heart problem. We banded together and got through it, she took almost 3 years to recover and start dating again.
Needless to say, political conversations didn't seem that important anymore. I speak to her at least once a week and she really is my sister! So yesterday I just couldn't hold my tongue, I asked her "so are you really going to vote for McCain?". Her response shocked me so bad, I had to sit, she said "GOD NO, WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT?" I responded, "well you were a republican, from a military family, and their views don't usually change easy". And you know what her response was, "I was young and incredibly stupid, I have grown up and Obama is the grown-up choice!"
She is the first republican I have ever seen switch, and honestly admit
her previous ideas were naive and stupid. She is strong, beautiful and now she is a democrat, PERFECT!
I can't say I love her more than I already did, but I do like her more!
Thank you for letting me spill all this out to a community I am proud of being a part of.