No, I'm not a Chicken Little Democrat -- just enough of a cynic to remember things like the 1960 election (John F. Kennedy, by 115,000 possibly dead Chicagoans). And movies like "Man Of The Year" and "Wag The Dog" and "Conspiracy Theory," enough as a former Chicagoan who did some poll-watching to know that anything really is possible.
Yes, I'll keep on doing my part, witnessing and signifying for who I hope Barack Obama has a strong chance to be. "Leave it all on the road" is exactly the proper way to go. Let's have an actual mandate for change. A chance to let the folks who fear and hate get a taste of something other than the reactionaries' Judas Goat's backside and droppings.
But chaos theory tells us that pretty much anything is possible. So what if the impossible happens?
No, I'm not a Chicken Little Democrat -- just enough of a cynic to remember things like the 1960 election (John F. Kennedy, by 115,000 possibly dead Chicagoans). And movies like "Man Of The Year" and "Wag The Dog" and "Conspiracy Theory," enough as a former Chicagoan who did some poll-watching to know that anything really is possible.
Yes, I'll keep on doing my part, witnessing and signifying for who I hope Barack Obama has a strong chance to be. "Leave it all on the road" is exactly the proper way to go. Let's have an actual mandate for change, along with prayers that we don't get "change" of the kind that went along with the old supposed Chinese curse, "May you live in INTERESTING times." A chance to let the folks who fear and hate get a taste of something other than the reactionaries' Judas Goat's backside and droppings, leading them up the chute into the slaughterhouse..
But chaos theory tells us that pretty much anything is possible. So what if the impossible happens?
Here's from that Organ of Truth, the Washington Post, today:
The Wise Speak
White House staffer to Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush; group chairman of BGR Holding
By all accounts McCain is behind but closing in on Obama, who appears to be stronger in the electoral college than in the popular vote. It's not pretty for McCain, but it's not over. Three ingredients could be mixing to create an explosive comeback for McCain. No. 1: buyer's remorse and resentment of the media forecast. Voters are being lectured that the election is over. This might cause them to have regrets about Obama and resent being told what they had already decided. No. 2: presumptuousness by the Obama camp. More than once they have shown a tendency to act like they have won, to assume that the Oval Office is already theirs. Voters resent this and may be itching to show their independence. No. 3: Obama fatigue and classic American support for the underdog. Voters notice the number of ads, phone calls and gushing accounts of the giant Obama machine. Maybe the good old US of A instinct to support the underdog is working to McCain's benefit.
McCain has to draw to an inside straight to get 270 in the electoral college. The odds are against him, but that's nothing new for John McCain. He will not quit. Never count him out.
And if the unthinkable happens, and the Harmonic Convergence this new generation is feeling to be just over the horizon falls as flat as the last time it was called? Just a thought.