I've grimaced over the past few days as I've clicked around the political talk-show circuit, only to be regularly greeted by goofy glee from the likes of Ken Mehlman and Nora O'Donnell (same thing--it's just that her eyes are opened WAY too much!), breathlessly asserting that the Dems are in 'Disarray'--yes, 'Disarray' over Iraq War Policy.
The Repuglicans, on the other hand, have all but said, "Jawohl!" as they have stepped to the microphones to mouth the new marching orders from the Turdblossom.
But then a strange thought hit me....follow me to the jump to see if you agree...
While much is made of poll results that show a majority of Americans opposed to the War, believing it has been a mistake, knowing it was badly conducted, etc., there is a countervailing wind at work. As much as Americans are sick of the War, its toll in death, debt, and destruction (the new "3D's!!), and our attendant loss in both goodwill and prestige around the globe, they're not really sure that they want us to leave precipitously, for the additional damage that would do to our credibility, as well as to any remaining shred of a chance the Iraqis could form a self-governing democracy of some sort.
In other words, they know it's terrible, but they're afraid we'll make it worse by the WAY we finish this sordid chapter. They want our troops home, but they are concerned we'll be left with another legacy of shame like Vietnam.
While Rove has touched a bit of a nerve in that, of course, Americans would like to win, it seems far more likely than not that this Repuglican 'drunk' of assertiveness will, in the end, turn into an ugly and throbbing hangover of regret, punctuated by disgusting visuals of chaos and mayhem. We have already witnessed the beginnings of this within the past few days. While Bush & Rove have repeatedly demonstrated that confidence and certitude are only effective in the long run if you're actually right, what, we have struggled here to ascertain, is the Democratic response that is both right and effective???
Well, maybe...just maybe..we have stumbled onto the kernel of a winning approach, and it could be called "strategic disarray"!! What, are you nutz? (I hear you say).
As stated above, Americans are not of one mind on this critical issue. They regret the War, but support our troops. They want to get out, but they're not quite sure how fast. Maybe the Democrats, in large part through sheer dumb luck, in part reflecting these mixed messages, are on to something.
This election will be nationalized--period. The Repugs' national message, the tired, worn-out, far less-than-credible "stay the course" is a loser. While nobody will confuse the combined effect of the Dems' disparate voices for a dulcet symphony, perhaps it is a sound we can sell: "Dems know this was a mistake, but 'cut-and-run' is just a stupid slogan. We want to be responsible and salvage the best we can from this sad situation, for Iraq, yes, but, far more importantly, for America. We understand your mixed feelings--we have them, too--and we'll do our damndest to get out of this mess and get America back on track as the good, hopeful, principled leader we once were and will be again. We understand your fears, but we share your hopes, and we believe that, ultimately, America's future must be based on hope as its foundation. Join with us and let us get to work rebuilding the America we all love and can be proud of."