Senator Salazar is the Colorado version of Senator Lieberman.
He supported the nomination of Alberto Gonzales.
He was part of the Gang of 14 that helped get Alito on the Supreme Court.
He supported the Bankruptcy Bill
He supported the Military Commissions Act
He supported the '07 FISA bill
He supported Telecom Amnesty
Now, he is working to help Lieberman maintain his position in the Democratic Caucus as Chair of the Homeland Security Committee. I confirmed the rumors with his office 20 minutes ago. He is actively working for Senator Lieberman.
Senator Salazar isn't looking out for Colorado; he is making a political calculation. The result should be that he loses his seat. We need to make an example of him. We can't make a run at Lieberman until 2012, but we can take out Salazar in 2010, and serve notice to the Democratic Caucus in '09 that we were the folks that brought them to the dance.
We need a better Democrat in Colorado. Salazar needs a primary challenger. Whoever it is will get $4,600 from our family, and I will work my ass off to get them elected.
What do we do now that we have helped elect President Obama? We start working to make the Democratic Caucus stronger. Getting rid of Salazar will be a start.