Good afternoon, guys.
I'm conducting a survey on the intersection of citizen journalism and the changes taking place in traditional media. The data will be used in a research paper submitted as my final in my NIU Media Management class (J449). If you are or were a member of the MSM, the independent press, a J school educator, or consider yourself a citizen journalist would you consider helping by answering the questions below?
The survey should take up no more than 15-20 minutes. You might find it easier to answer each question by copying and pasting them into your comment and writing your answers below each question. If you want privacy, you can send your replies to my email address at
Your answers will remain confidential (I may quote some of the replies given specifically, but will not use identifying names or places of businesses unless I receive approval from you specifically).
Survey closes on Monday, April 28, 2008.
1) Current age bracket:
a. 18-25
b. 26-35
c. 36-45
d. 46-55
e. 56-65
f. 65+
2) How long have you worked in news media?
3) What news media job title do you currently hold?
4) What former news media job titles/experience have you had?
5) Are you a member of the (select one):
a. Traditional news media
b. Independent news media
c. Citizen journalist news media
d. J-School/Academic
e. Other: __________________
6) Are you currently employed in:
a. Print
b. Broadcast TV
c. Radio
d. Internet
e. Other: __________________
7) Do you believe news media is more troubled today than last year?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
8) If so, what is the number one challenge or problem facing traditional news media?
9) How has the rise of citizen journalism this past decade affected the work you do?
10) Which, in your opinion, is the main driver of citizen journalism:
a. Need, consumer frustration with traditional news reporting
b. Desire, citizens wishing to more actively participate in their world
c. Technology, first-ever ability to communicate on a grand scale via the Internet
d. Other: ___________________
11) What is the number one challenge or problem facing citizen-generated media?
12) What future do you wish to see for American news media?
Thank you, again, for your participation and time.
Have a great weekend!